
last year in the rear view mirror

after watching this video, i quickly realized that objects that loom in my future may be closer than they appear.

for this next trip around the globe, i pledge to be more careful with what i consume.  flipping over the big four-o has made this essential.  here's my plan of attack:

*my mouth* lots of friends i know are scraping together a career while eating smart and living clean.  many of these same friends know what's up with organic groceries and clever prep concepts.  i love cooking and experimenting with veggies, fruit smoothies, and healthy snacks for my two kids; one a budding athlete and the other an underweight gamer.  baller kevin love, the best 4 in the association, has completely overhauled his diet by being accountable for everything that hits his digestive system.

*my muscles* i've always thought of my body being my vehicle with which i will cruise around our universe.  i need to keep that engine humming by doing more yoga, working through p90x2, and getting into running.  i hate doing it but am always so glad afterwards that i did.  my metabolism has definitely downshifted, so i want to resume exercising and stretching and balancing, all in an effort to uncover shreds of physical self worth.

*my ears* one of the perils of my gig is working with students on music.  they might not always be happening, but i gotta keep looking at their progress and replenish my mind with good music.  i sometimes loose sight of what i like to hear, which could have a dangerously close correlation to my performance.  i gotta be sure that i'm listening to good music from all pockets of the world and stay in front of it all.  recent feel-good tastes include the goat rodeo sessions and some luda/usher collabs.

*my eyeballs* i've got books i want to read.  i snagged one by phil jackson, another by stephen hawking, a reader of sorts about tom waits, and have an infatuation with oliver sacks. i've got movies i want to watch, including the new joaquin phoenix spike jonze masterpiece.  i just saw nebraska last night with simon, and it was great.  and i've got our world that i want to take in, with walks in my neighborhood, looking at the trees, the birds, the clouds.

*my psyche* i want to be around people who are good for my head, not those that make me feel inferior or dump their burdens on me.  i want to be around people who inspire me, not continually frustrate me by clutching to archaic and seemingly unproven dogmas.  i plan to continue being a good listener and a supportive guide to my students, but need to heed my own advice - at the end of the day, you are the only person that you could expect is actually thinking about all of the shit going on in your world.  grip it, own it, solve it, and then move it out of the way.

some of my friends are saying good riddance to 2013.  it seems like yesterday that i was dancing and singing in my room to my cassette of prince's 1999 album, wondering what that mystical year would be like.  and then i think, that's fifteen years ago, homeboy.  hey 2014 - let's do this.

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